Question title

Is this your first time engaging in the Wake BRT: Western Blvd. Corridor Study?

Closed to responses | 56 Responses

This report makes several recommendations to update the City’s Street Plan, Greenways Plan, and Bike Plan. The following questions will ask you about each.

Question title

After reviewing the suggested changes to the Street Plan, do you have any feedback for the project team? Do you agree with the additions? Do you think there are connections that need to be made that aren't currently in the recommendations?

After reviewing the suggested changes to the Street Plan do you have any feedback for the project team? Do you agree with the additions? Do you think there are connections that need to be made that aren t currently in the recommendations?

Please provide additional feedback in the comments section.

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After reviewing the suggested changes to the Bike Plan, do you have any feedback for the project team? Do you agree with the additions? Do you think there are connections that need to be made that aren't currently in the recommendations?

After reviewing the suggested changes to the Bike Plan do you have any feedback for the project team? Do you agree with the additions? Do you think there are connections that need to be made that aren t currently in the recommendations?

Please provide additional feedback in the comments section.

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After reviewing the suggested changes to Area Specific Guidance, do you have any feedback for the project team? Do you agree with the additions? Do you think there are connections that need to be made that aren't currently in the recommendations?

After reviewing the suggested changes to Area Specific Guidance do you have any feedback for the project team? Do you agree with the additions? Do you think there are connections that need to be made that aren t currently in the recommendations?

Please provide additional feedback in the comments section.

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The report breaks down its recommendations by Character Zones – stretches of the corridor with physical similarities and contexts. The following questions will ask for your feedback regarding each Character Zone.

Question title

After reviewing the recommendations for the Downtown Character zone, do you have any feedback for the project team? Answers can be general to the entire zone or specific to an individual recommendation.

After reviewing the recommendations for the Downtown Character zone do you have any feedback for the project team? Answers can be general to the entire zone or specific to an individual recommendation.

Please provide additional feedback in the comments section.

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After reviewing the recommendations for the Parks Character zone, do you have any feedback for the project team? Answers can be general to the entire zone or specific to an individual recommendation.

After reviewing the recommendations for the Parks Character zone do you have any feedback for the project team? Answers can be general to the entire zone or specific to an individual recommendation.

Please provide additional feedback in the comments section.

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After reviewing the recommendations for the Campus Character zone, do you have any feedback for the project team? Answers can be general to the entire zone or specific to an individual recommendation.

After reviewing the recommendations for the Campus Character zone do you have any feedback for the project team? Answers can be general to the entire zone or specific to an individual recommendation.

Please provide additional feedback in the comments section.

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After reviewing the recommendations for the Method-Kent Commercial Character zone, do you have any feedback for the project team? Answers can be general to the entire zone or specific to an individual recommendation.

After reviewing the recommendations for the Method-Kent Commercial Character zone do you have any feedback for the project team? Answers can be general to the entire zone or specific to an individual recommendation.

Please provide additional feedback in the comments section.

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After reviewing the recommendations for the Multimodal Link Character zone, do you have any feedback for the project team? Answers can be general to the entire zone or specific to an individual recommendation.

After reviewing the recommendations for the Multimodal Link Character zone do you have any feedback for the project team? Answers can be general to the entire zone or specific to an individual recommendation.

Please provide additional feedback in the comments section.

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After reviewing the recommendations for the Cary Connector Character zone, do you have any feedback for the project team? Answers can be general to the entire zone or specific to an individual recommendation.

After reviewing the recommendations for the Cary Connector Character zone do you have any feedback for the project team? Answers can be general to the entire zone or specific to an individual recommendation.

Please provide additional feedback in the comments section.

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The following questions are more broadly related to the Study as a whole. Please leave as much feedback as you’d like.

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Now that you have reviewed the report, is there any general feedback you would like to provide on the Study?

Closed for Comments

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Using the map below let us know of any issues or opportunities you feel were missed in the final report

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Overall, do you generally agree with the recommendations of the study?

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Overall how would you rate the number of engagement opportunities for this study?

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Overall how would you rate the quality of engagement opportunities for this study?

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