Biltmore Hills Park Capital Improvements
Biltmore Hills Park Capital Improvements
As part of the 2022 Parks Bond Referendum, Raleigh Parks is proposing site improvements to Biltmore Hills Park!
Raleigh Parks invites you to share your thoughts and ideas during the park design process. Your feedback regarding Biltmore Hills Park is essential to ensure that visions for the park, amenities, and facilities meet the needs of the community. Input received will be used in finalizing decisions on site improvements.
RESCHEDULED DATE: Biltmore Hills Park Tennis Improvements Open House
Public Meeting to discuss status of Biltmore Hills Tennis Expansion Project
This public workshop will be a drop-in style open house meeting. Staff and consultants will be there to help explain and to answer questions about the Schematic plan and project schedule. Staff from Raleigh Parks will be in attendence to answer questions.
The Biltmore HIlls Tennis Expansion Schematic Design
Biltmore Hills Large Baseball Field Renovations
What Improvements Are Happening at Biltmore Hills Park?
The Biltmore Hills Tennis Improvement Project will feature: exansion of the existing tennis complex, improved lighting, accessibility features, stormwater improvements, upgraded parking, and public art. The expanded tennis courts will be located on the existing small ballfield.
Funding has been allocated for the community engagement, design, and construction at Biltmore Hills Park through the 2022 Parks Bond Referendum. Raleigh Parks is excited to create this improved and expanded tennis faciility for Southeast Raleigh!
Do you have questions about the project?
Feel free to email: