Question title

What project did you install through Raleigh Rainwater Rewards?

Select a response

Question title

How did you hear about Raleigh Rainwater Rewards?

Select a response

Question title

How helpful was information on the City's website?

Select a response

Question title

How helpful was your initial consultation with City staff?

Select a response

Question title

How clearly did City staff explain the approval process?

Select a response

Question title

How satisfied were you with the amount of time it took for your project to be approved?

Select a response

Question title

How clearly did City staff explain the reimbursement process?

Select a response

Question title

How satisfied were you with the amount of time it took to receive reimbursement?

Select a response

Question title

How helpful was City staff during your final inspection?

Select a response

Question title

Did City staff respond to your inquiries in a timely manner?

Select a response

Question title

Are you prepared to carry out the maintenance agreement? If you responded 'no', please explain.

Select a response

Question title

Would you complete another project through Raleigh Rainwater Rewards?

Select a response

Question title

Please provide any additional comments that you may have about your experience.

Thank you for completing this survey. If you have any questions, please contact us at 919-996-3940 or