Question title

* Last summer, how often did you or your child participate in summer programming put on by the city of Raleigh? (ex. youth camps, concerts, workout classes, etc)

Once a week
A few times a month
Once a month
A few times
Did not participate
Closed to responses

Question title

* In the last year, did you visit any of the parks in Raleigh during the summer months?

Once or twice
More than once a month
Closed to responses

Question title

* What was your relationship to Raleigh Parks programming this past summer? [Please select all the responses that apply]

I am a City employee or summer staff member
I am a parent of a child who participated
I am a resident who participated
I am an organizer for an event held through Raleigh Parks
I am not involved in Raleigh Parks summer programming
I am connected another way
Closed to responses