Prince Hall Historic Overlay District (HOD) Survey
Prince Hall Historic Overlay District (HOD) Survey
Tell Us About Your Experience in the Prince Hall Historic Overlay District (HOD)
The Prince Hall Historic Overlay District (HOD) is one of Raleigh’s two local African American historic districts. It was created in 2012 to help provide some protection to the character of the historic neighborhood and its long-term residents. This is accomplished through a design review process focused on exterior changes to property. The development regulations help to manage change in the neighborhood while maintaining its historic significance.
Take the Survey
Please take a few minutes to complete the survey below using the unique survey code printed on the mailed flyer you received. The unique survey code helps us keep track of who has responded within the district.
This survey has been extended to Friday, March 22, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. All survey responses will be presented to City Council.
Have questions or need help completing the survey? Contact the City of Raleigh’s Historic Preservation Unit by phone at 919-996-4478 or by email at
The following table describes the differences in having properties in an HOD or not in an HOD.
Being in a historic overlay district means: | Without historic overlay district regulations: |
There is a local ordinance designating the district and officially recognizing the special historic character of the neighborhood. | The local ordinance designating the district and officially recognizing the special historic character of the neighborhood is repealed. |
There are design review regulations. All property owners must obtain Certificate of Appropriateness (COA)* approval for exterior changes to their property. | There will not be design review regulations through the Certificate of Appropriateness (COA)* process. |
The COA is required prior to filing for demolition or other permits. | A COA is not required before filing for demolition or other permits. |
Property owners and tenants receive notice of upcoming large projects (COA Major Work Applications) within 100 feet of their property and have the ability to comment at a meeting. | There will not be an option to comment on upcoming construction projects. |
Demolition of historic buildings may be delayed up to 1 year, but not denied. | Building design and materials will not be regulated. |
There is more predictability in the size of new construction projects and other design details than outside of the HOD. | Building footprint, height, and setbacks will be regulated by just the zoning code. |
*For more information, please visit the Certificate of Appropriateness webpage.