Question title

Please describe the level of trust and respect you have in the Raleigh Police Department.

Select a response

Question title

What qualifications and demonstrated experience should Raleigh's next police chief have? (choose up to five)

Select a response

Question title

What are three leadership qualities you believe are most important when selecting the next Police Chief?

Select a response

Question title

What are the top issues that Raleigh's new police chief should address? (select up to three)

Select a response

Question title

What is one question you would like the candidates for police chief to answer?
(These will be combined and selected for the community panel interview.)

Question title

The City Manager is the hiring authority for this position. Is there anything else that you would like for her to consider when she makes this appointment?

Question title

Do you live in the City of Raleigh?

Select a response

Question title

How long have you lived in the City of Raleigh?

Select a response

Question title

Please select the options that best describe your relationship with the City of Raleigh.

Select a response

Question title

Which of the following best describe(s) your racial identity? (Choose all that apply)

Select a response

Question title

What is your gender identity?

Select a response