Schematic Design Survey

Take a few minutes to share your thoughts on the future design of Tarboro Road Park and Community Center.  

The Tarboro Road Park Concept Plan, developed with input from the project’s Citizens Advisory Group and our Summer 2024 public open house, was presented to the Parks, Recreation, and Greenway Advisory Board in November 2024. This plan serves as the foundation as we move into the Schematic Design phase.

In addition to our Feb. 12th open house, this survey is designed to gather community member insights and preferences, ensuring that the new park reflects the neighborhood's needs, values, and aspirations. Your feedback will directly inform the Schematic Design phase, guiding the next steps in bringing this vision to life.

Together, we have the opportunity to create a space that honors the cultural heritage and history of Tarboro Road Park, strengthens community connections, and provides meaningful opportunities for recreation, enrichment, and growth. 

Thank you for sharing your voice and helping us build a park that reflects the heart of our community!

Background and Project Description

Tarboro Road Park, 121 N. Tarboro Road in Raleigh, is an existing 3.2-acre park site established in the 1970’s to serve the surrounding historically African American community.  The age and condition of the existing park facilities are no longer adequate for the needs of the growing and transforming community. 

The redevelopment of Tarboro Road Park is funded via the 2022 City of Raleigh Parks Bond in the amount of $29,500,000 for community engagement, design, permitting, and construction. 

In November 2023, the Parks, Recreation and Greenway Advisory Board formally appointed a 13-member Tarboro Road Park Community Advisory Group (CAG) of neighborhood representatives.  The CAG provides direct design and community representation input during the initial park design process (known as schematic design).

Project Timeline

  • 2024 – 2025:  Community Engagement and Schematic Design
  • 2025 – 2026:  Design and Permitting
  • 2026 – 2028:  Bidding and Construction 

Question title

Do you have any feedback on the overall Concept Plan of the Tarboro Road Park?

Closed for Comments

Question title

What exterior building material themes do you think would be best for the new Community Center? Feel free to use the images below for inspiration or share your own ideas and preferences. (click on image to enlarge)

What exterior building material themes do you think would be best for the new Community Center? Feel free to use the images below for inspiration or share your own ideas and preferences. (click on image to enlarge)
Cool, Contemporary, Minimal
Warm, Subtle, Inviting
Historic, Raw, Organic
Modern, Iconic, Rhythmic
Closed to responses

Question title

What interior building materials themes would you like to see in the new Tarboro Road Community Center? Feel free to use the images below for inspiration or share your own ideas. (click on image to enlarge)

What interior building materials themes would you like to see in the new Tarboro Road Community Center? Feel free to use the images below for inspiration or share your own ideas. (click on image to enlarge)
Cool, Contemporary, Minimal
Warm, Subtle, Inviting
Historic, Raw, Organic
Modern, Iconic, Rhythmic
Closed to responses

Question title

What branding colors palettes would you like to see used at the Tarboro Road Park? Please use the images below for inspiration or share your own ideas and preferences. (click on image to enlarge)

What branding colors palettes would you like to see used at the Tarboro Road Park? Please use the images below for inspiration or share your own ideas and preferences. (click on image to enlarge)
Closed to responses

Question title

The Concept Plan features an exterior plaza space between the St. Monica Teen Center and the new Community Center. Using the images below as inspiration, what design themes do you envision for this space? (click on image to enlarge)

The Concept Plan features an exterior plaza space between the St. Monica Teen Center and the new Community Center. Using the images below as inspiration what design themes do you envision for this space? (click on image to enlarge)
Closed to responses

Question title

The Concept Plan features two areas designated as park greens. What are your thoughts on their design? Use the image below for inspiration or share any additional ideas you have. (click on image to enlarge)

The Concept Plan features two areas designated as park greens. What are your thoughts on their design? Use the image below for inspiration or share any additional ideas you have. (click on image to enlarge)
Reflective Garden
Passive Recreation/Open Space
Active Recreation
Outdoor Learning
Closed to responses

Question title

The Concept Plan includes a new playground area. Using the images below as inspiration, what are your ideas on a preferred playground design theme? (click on image to enlarge)

The Concept Plan includes a new playground area. Using the images below as inspiration what are your ideas on a preferred playground design theme? (click on image to enlarge)
Natural and Rustic
Bright and Colorful
Closed to responses

Question title

In addition to traditional play equipment, there may be opportunities to incorporate unique play elements into the playground. What special features or creative additions would you like to see?

Closed for Comments

Question title

Please share any additional suggestions or ideas for the design of the new park and community center.

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